Monday, 10 February, 2025

By The Fibreside

Knitting and spinning on the Sunshine Coast of BC

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BTF Episode 57: Line in the Sand

BTF Episode 57: Line in the Sand
BTF Episode 57: Line in the Sand

In which I get a little something off my chest, get the bamboo done for Level 5, totally skip some skeins for Level 3, miscalculate on knitting a shawl and update you on the Calgary Fibre Arts Fair, talk to my dad after Fibre Week this year, and don’t get any further on Christmas Elegance. Thanks for listening!


Theme music: leaves by airtone at / CC BY-NC 3.0

Fibre Week

Fibre Notes

Fibreside Chat – Danware

By The Wayside

Christmas Elegance - Progress as of 1 November 2015 (detail)
Christmas Elegance – Progress as of 1 November 2015 (detail) – still the same picture

1 comment on BTF Episode 57: Line in the Sand

  • Jon

    I listened to the last two episodes this week. I related a lot to your opening segments for each of them. For obvious reasons, I had a similar experience with high school music to yours – including a crushing rejection by university professors. But I’m finally back playing again and after 16 months of being in a community symphony, my chops are back to where they were in high school but my attitude is much better.

    And with your election rant, I know you and I have not historically been on the same side of many social issues but I appreciate your openness to new ideas and your love for people. I have learned to be more accepting and understand where people are coming from.

    As far as the fibre parts of the podcast, I usually don’t understand much of the technical stuff you say, but your voice has a warm public radio quality that is calming so while I may not follow all the twists and casts and patterns, I end up much more relaxed and peaceful after listening. Thank you.

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