Monday, 10 February, 2025

By The Fibreside

Knitting and spinning on the Sunshine Coast of BC

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BTF Episode 6: Order to Chaos

BTF 006: Order to Chaos (that's the top of a yard-stick, stuck in the snow on our front lawn.)
BTF 006: Order to Chaos (that’s the top of a yard-stick, stuck in the snow on our front lawn.)

In which I yearn for a tangle, talk about how satisfying flick carding is and how to spin flick carded and teased wool, wonder where the last two weeks went and contemplate my plan for homework the next two weeks, talk about my current knitting/crocheting projects, review two spinning books, announce the winners of last episode’s contest and answer a question, and bring you up to date on the Bayeux tapestry project. Thanks for listening!


Theme music: leaves by airtone at / CC BY-NC 3.0

Order to Chaos

Fibre Week

Fibre Notes

Side Notes

By The Wayside

Bayeux Tapestry as of 24 Mar. 2013
Bayeux Tapestry as of 24 Mar. 2013
And a detail shot.
And a detail shot.

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