Ugh. I really need to stop guilting myself. Yes, it’s Tuesday. Yes, I’m about halfway through my little break. Yes, I haven’t done quite as much homework as I would have liked. Yes, I played Warcraft yesterday instead of doing anything else. Did I not see that last thing on my list? Relax? Recharge? Do what I want to do to take a break? Heavens…
Despite the sabotage my brain is giving me, I have actually accomplished quite a bit. I washed six fleece samples of the seven that were in the wash pile, because that’s how many lingerie bags I have for fleece washing, and I put together another six for the next appropriate day, so they’re all ready to go. The kitchen is tidied. I went to a Downton Abbey finale viewing party (OMG! OMG! WTF! Okay, that’s my reaction in a nutshell), and baked shortbread that didn’t quite work out, but is still tasty. We found a treadmill, figured out where it’s going to go, and have started getting ready for its delivery on Friday. And I’m shooting distance from being done the colour wheel for my homework.

I’m waffling on whether or not to do a blend for the ten-yard skein. On the one hand, it might show initiative. On the other, I still have to card the primary colours to spin them the same as the others, just less. And if I had a third hand, I have the most left of the blue and the red, so a purple would be best and safest to do, but I had some issues with nepps with the blue, which makes me less inclined to use it for a ten yard skein. I have enough of the yellow and red, so I may just do an orange. Decisions, decisions. Once that’s done, on to the rest of the blends in C1!
I’m also finished my swap package, so I’ll get that sent out in the next day or so. The final bit was a small crocheted bear. The yarn was an alpaca sample I got at Fibreweek, the first year, I think, and I stuffed it with some brown washed alpaca that I have kicking around, so even if some of the stuffing does show through, it’ll just look like highlights for the black bear. I’m not 100% happy with the nose, but the eyes turned out pretty good.

I do like working small, but it’s murder on my fingers if I do it for too long.

What is not done is the driveway, and I’m not as far along in the homework as I would like, and I haven’t started the podcast yet, or the library purge, and that is what makes me feel guilty. So now I have to figure out how to shut off that piece of my brain, because it’s getting in the way of the resting part. These things will get done, if not this break then soon. No point in feeling guilty about it.