Some days, it just is right to take a moment to stop and think about the positives in life. Between the usual spring-time DST hangover and today’s return to chilly temperatures, there would certainly be a lot to complain about, but I just don’t feel in the mood. There’s been too much kindness around lately to let negativity linger.
I came home Monday to a swap box on my front step. I’ve never had a bad swap experience on Ravelry, and Monday’s box was no exception: thoughtful, generous, and lovely. One of the things that touched me was a last-minute inclusion from my swap partner’s young son, who insisted on sending along a Lego bow and arrow (the swap theme was Disney’s Brave). Such a small, simple thing, but… I swapped out our Space Ranger’s binoculars for the bow and arrow. He’s now appropriately armed to defend our plant.

It’s the small acts of kindness, from those you know and those you don’t, directed at you or directed at others, that make the difference. I have been on the receiving end of great kindnesses, in the form of gifts, invitations, small bits of knowledge, recipes, or what have you. I’ve seen great kindnesses, like the loan of a spinning wheel, gifts and trades of skills. Great kindnesses do not have to be big; they can be as small as a sympathetic ear, or a little piece of advice or experience that helps you get through.
I do not feel that I have paid my balance of kindnesses. I feel like the scale is definitely too heavy on the receiving end for me, so I do my best to spread around what kindness I can. Life is too short to not.
Today is Wednesday, so it’s off to Wednesday knitting, where I’m hoping my good feeling about Wave Maiden pays off.

One project down! Several to go! 😀