Friday, 17 January, 2025

By The Fibreside

Knitting and spinning on the Sunshine Coast of BC

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BTF Episode 10: Retirement Planning

BTF 010: Retirement Planning
BTF 010: Retirement Planning

In which I talk about not waiting for a little bit of free time to live your life, give a brief update on Level 2 essay writing, extoll the magic of twist, relate how (if you can do it) project monogamy rocks, bring you an interview with Lonna Cunningham about supported spindling and her new book, start a contest, and bring you up to date on the Tapestry. Thanks for listening!


Theme music: leaves by airtone at / CC BY-NC 3.0

Fibre Week

Fibre Notes

Fibreside Chat with Lonna Cunningham (frazzlehead on Ravelry)

Side Bet

Guess the number of jelly beans! Oops, wrong medium. 🙂 Guess the number of yards of yarn on my spindle, and win a prize! The person closest without going over will win. I’ve dug out a 2.8 oz blue batt from the stash for the lucky winner. Leave a comment below, or here on Ravelry. Contest closes midnight Mountain time, June 1, 2013, and is open to everyone from around the world.

Here is a cop of two-ply Polworth. Guess the yards!
Here is a cop of two-ply Polworth. Guess the yards!
Here is the spindle with the prize!
Here is the spindle with the prize!

By The Wayside

Progress on the Bayeux Tapestry as at May 19, 2013 (detail).
Progress on the Bayeux Tapestry as at May 19, 2013 (detail).

5 comments on BTF Episode 10: Retirement Planning

  • A new book from Frazzle - Homesteading Today

    […] your browser, without an iPod or anything! Cool. The episode that has the interview with me is … here! […]

  • Sheila

    Good episode. I really liked the bit about living your retirement now. It’s so true. A lot of people wait and wait to do something and then never get a chance to do it. Tapestry looks fantastic!

  • M&D

    We too enjoyed the retirement planning essay. You two girls are definitely doing it, so is Dad, and I’m trying 🙂
    Yardage guess: 75. If I win, give the prize to No. 2!

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