Monday, 10 February, 2025

By The Fibreside

Knitting and spinning on the Sunshine Coast of BC

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Finished: Event Horizon Pi Shawl

Six skeins of luscious yarn + a fascinating pattern + an arbitrary deadline = a lot of fun.

I blocked the Event Horizon Pi Shawl the day after I finished it. Remember that it was only 40″ in diameter off the needles?

Frumpy, and not terribly attractive. Also not all that big. No wrapping involved in this photograph.
Frumpy, and not terribly attractive. Also not all that big. No wrapping involved in this photograph.

I knew it would grow, so Mike and I moved around a little furniture in the guest room, laid down a sheet, and hope there’d be enough room.

Look at that little thing.
Look at that little thing.

Then it was into the sink while I went for a walk, then back to drain, squeeze, roll, stomp, and then up to the guest room. I measured the centre at 3.5′ from the things I couldn’t move: the closet doors and the table with the loom on it. I figured I could go under the bed if I had to, and there was more room on the opposite side from the table.

Pinning out 16ths and checking angles.
Pinning out 16ths and checking angles.

I started with each 16th marker. If I’d been smart, I would have done them in four sets, so there would have been only four colours all the way around. It would have made checking the right-angles easier. It wasn’t difficult, per se, but I did spend a bit of time counting pins as I did the third and fourth sets to make sure I was measuring the right ones. I also just eyeballed the angle, rather than dig out a protractor to make sure it was 90 degrees. It took about an hour to get these sixteen pins right, but after that, it was easy sailing.

Not so wee anymore, is it?
Not so wee anymore, is it?

I blocked it hard. No word of a lie, even though I put the first pins in at an angle, some of them were pulled almost out by the time I got around to them when adding the pins in between. It dried under a lot of tension, and I admit to being a little worried, even though I knew the yarn could take it.

Add a half-inch for the blank part of the measuring tape on the other end, and you get 5' 11.5" under tension. Haven't measured it unpinned.
Add a half-inch for the blank part of the measuring tape on the other end, and you get 5′ 11.5″ under tension. Haven’t measured it unpinned.

And it grew. From 40″ in diameter to almost 72″. Exactly what I’d hoped, and what I’d wanted when I ordered the sixth skein of yarn. I’m 6′ tall on a good day, and was sure that a 5′ diameter shawl just wouldn’t hang as well on my frame as a 6′ one. And…

First day out - Granny Square bootcamp at RCY south for Knitmonton.
First day out – Granny Square bootcamp at RCY south for Knitmonton.

Boy, was I ever right (and yes, you actually get to see my face for this one 😉 ). Special thanks to those at RCY South when I got there for figuring out how I should wear it, and loaning me the shawl pin, because that there, that’s got to be the best way to wear a circular shawl.

Back view. Look how it swoops and drapes. I love it so much.
Back view. Look how it swoops and drapes. I love it so much.

And don’t let anyone tell you a lace shawl can never be warm, because by the end of the class, I needed to take it off, I was getting too hot! Now with spring here (hopefully… oh, I hope so), maybe I can trade a jacket for the shawl on a nice day.

Shawl in natural light - and it was warm enough to be outside in just the shawl too!
Shawl in natural light – and it was warm enough to be outside in just the shawl too!

Final opinion on the Event Horizon Pi Shawl: I wouldn’t necessarily recommend the pattern for a beginner lace knitter, but someone who’s done a little bit of lace knitting shouldn’t have too many problems. Stitch markers are your friends. This yarn is amazing: great colour, and took that hard block like a pro. I would do something different with Lace Circle 5 if I were to knit it again. And would I knit this again? Yes, I actually think I would. It was that much fun.

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