Monday, 10 February, 2025

By The Fibreside

Knitting and spinning on the Sunshine Coast of BC

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Knitting, Spinning

Home stretch stumble

I am almost done my homework. Despite being about four hours short on my final project, I have a plan to make that up (and I think I have to spin more of the white anyway, which will help), and I’m down to one skein to fix (the mohair/silk), and three to spin and sample (llama for crocheted vest, mohair for braiding, and wool for needlepoint). If I push hard tonight and this weekend, I think I can spend most of next week finalizing up the written parts, printing them, and then getting everything nicely labelled and in the binder. I can potentially have it sent off for marking by the first week of August.

So naturally, I cast on for a new project today.

I know I shouldn’t have. I know that I should just knuckle down and burn through what’s left of Level 2 and just Get. It. Done. And I will. That is my focus this weekend, starting tonight (then why are you writing a blog post, you say? Because I want to explain why this weekend’s podcast might not be out until later Sunday again. 🙂 ). If I can get the skeins to sample spun, or at least two, tonight, then they can be washed and dried and ready to sample Sunday. Then I can fix the one skein and wrap up the final project Saturday, and if more spinning needs to happen for the final project, then that can also happen Saturday, and the yarn may be dry by later Sunday. Then all my samples, including the final project, can be washed Sunday night, and will be dry by mid-week, and ready to be packed and shipped.

Why am I boring you with a time management plan? Because I cast on for a new project today.

I should know better than to go to a knit afternoon at a LYS. But yesterday I stopped by River City West to meet up with a friend to discuss possibilities for an end-of-summer high-tea-and-knitting event, because the one at Pam’s was all sold out, and she was working on something new and it looked cool. And then there were the magic words: “Free pattern! Noro lace!” And my thoughts turned to the three skeins of Sekku that have been in my stash for a few years, and before I knew it, this morning I’d fished one out, got the appropriate needle, and brought it to work.

Look, it's Noro and awesome!
Look, it’s Noro and awesome!

It’s a plain little tunic that’s a mindless stockinette/garter lace knit that will bring out the best of the Noro, and will likely use a good bit of my Sekku, since I will have to make it a little longer for my torso, and it’ll just be around and around once I get the two side points knit and joined together. A nice, mindless little knit. A nice distraction from Life, The Universe, and Everything. Everything like being four hours short on my final project. Sampling. Hoping that the first skeins I spin for sampling will actually work out. Handing all my work over to Canada Post and hoping it doesn’t get lost. Being marked.

Oh dear. Maybe I should give the tunic to Mike to hide until Monday…

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