Tuesday, 11 February, 2025

By The Fibreside

Knitting and spinning on the Sunshine Coast of BC

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BTF Episode 61: Signs from the Universe

BTF Episode 61: Signs from the Universe

BTF Episode 61: Signs from the Universe
BTF Episode 61: Signs from the Universe

In which I recognize the messages the universe is trying to send me, finish my challenge yarn before Fibre Week, go over the dye exercise for Level 3, finish a pair of socks and start using some vacation yarn, and have to redo a bunch of stitching on the Accolade. Thanks for listening!


Theme music: leaves by airtone at ccmixter.org / CC BY-NC 3.0

Signs from the Universe

Fibre Week

Fibre Notes

By The Wayside

The Accolade
Progress as of 30 June 2019.

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