Monday, 10 February, 2025

By The Fibreside

Knitting and spinning on the Sunshine Coast of BC

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BTF Episode 9: Connections to the Past

BTF 009: Connections to the Past
BTF 009: Connections to the Past

In which I talk about how fibre arts connect us to the past, discuss the plethora of resources I’ve been finding for Level 2, contemplate the importance of a common set of terms in fibre arts, talk about how project monogamy didn’t work for me this week, read two of the spinning poems/songs I found, and bring you up to date on the Bayeux tapestry project. Thanks for listening!


Theme music: leaves by airtone at / CC BY-NC 3.0

Connections to the Past

Fibre Week

Fibre Notes

Fibreside Notion Box

By The Wayside

Progress on the Bayeux Tapestry as at May 5, 2013.
Progress on the Bayeux Tapestry as at May 5, 2013.

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