Friday, 17 January, 2025

By The Fibreside

Knitting and spinning on the Sunshine Coast of BC

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Spring snowshower

This morning, I woke up to this.

View into the backyard.
View into the backyard.

I promptly said aloud, “WHAT THE EVER LOVING GOODNESS GRACIOUS IS THAT?” Okay, no I didn’t. I was slightly more crass. But I nearly started weeping. The backyard, which I had been convinced wouldn’t be rid of snow until May, had actually been rid of snow on Sunday afternoon, two days shy of May! I had been thrilled! Even the rain that had been coming down Sunday night was welcome, doing away with the snowmould left over that has been playing havoc with my sinuses.

Snowmould Sunday morning in the backyard (before the snow).
Snowmould Sunday morning in the backyard (before the snow).

But Monday, with its nigh-on blizzardiness, was harsh. But then I stopped and took a breath. For all that it was coming down like crazy, that it was building up again, it wouldn’t last. It won’t last. This is a transient state of affairs. So perhaps the better thing to do, the better way of coping that blindly reaching for my green cowl, is to try and find some beauty in it.

Tree framed by snowflakes.
Tree framed by snowflakes.
The neighbour's apple framed in white.
The neighbour’s apple framed in white.

I tried to hold on to this thought throughout the day, though it was difficult as visibility decreased and work stress increased. But by the time I was driving home, it was slowing, and as I was coming out of physio, the sun was coming out and the snow had stopped. And then, it was a little easier.

Rock pile and bush out front.
Rock pile and bush out front.
Tulips bravely budding out.
Tulips bravely budding out.
Sedums shrugging off the snow.
Sedums shrugging off the snow.

Six and a half months of winter can make anyone curse the return of the white stuff. But it’s transient. Even now, it’s melting away. So I tried to capture what beauty I could out my windows and outside my front door, if only because finding positives in every day is one of the best things you can do for your mental wellbeing. Sometimes you have to reach for them, but it’s important to find them each and every day.

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