Monday, 10 February, 2025

By The Fibreside

Knitting and spinning on the Sunshine Coast of BC

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BTF Episode 15: One, The Other, or Both

BTF 015: One, The Other, or Both
BTF 015: One, The Other, or Both

In which I try to decide if I’m a product or process fibre artist, discover that I’m not as done Level 2 as I thought I was, almost finish two projects and cast on another, talk with Lonna Cunningham of Flannelberry Creek about her Batt Bar, and feel guilty about the Tapestry. Thanks for listening!


Theme music: leaves by airtone at / CC BY-NC 3.0

Fibre Week

Fibre Notes

Fibreside Chat

By The Wayside

Another meme instead of an update picture...
Another meme instead of an update picture…

4 comments on BTF Episode 15: One, The Other, or Both

  • Frazzlehead

    Congrats on finishing the L2 work!

    And woolen spinning rocks. But then, if you’ve seen me attempt worsted … well, you’ll know why I spin woolen. 🙂

    Thanks for the FrazzleBatts chat too – we do have a Batt of the Month Club with signup by August 5 for the fall session, ya know, just in case your four batts spin up as quickly as mine did and you find yourself in dire need of MORE.

  • Sandy

    Lonna sent me one of her beautiful Frazzlebatts and I started spinning it this morning. Wow! Amazing! Now I can’t wait to listen to this podcast, not that I haven’t been watching for it or anything…. 😉

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