Friday, 17 January, 2025

By The Fibreside

Knitting and spinning on the Sunshine Coast of BC

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Knitting, Life

Realism is overrated

We’re on the road tonight, headed south to take in a weekend with the families, and there’s been a lot to do. Clothes to pack, podcast segments to pre-record (that failed miserably- note to self: don’t try to record after 9 pm at night), logistics to plan, but most importantly, travel entertainment to decide upon.

I am notorious for overpacking entertainment. Clothes I’ve got down to a fine science, but entertainment is something else. I’m reminded of a ten-day vacation I took to the Dominican Republic a decade ago, where I packed 12 books. And in the days before ereaders, that was a heck of a lot of weight in my suitcase. I didn’t even finish one of them. As I said, notorious.

I will pack three projects to a two-hour knit night. I’ve been known to take two projects with me to work, despite the fact that I only have two quarter-hour breaks and exercise on my lunch hours. And on a trip to Calgary, I’ve taken three knitting projects and two books, and from time to time touched nothing but one of them.

So for me, the stress of travel packing is not in the clothing or sundry other items. It’s in what I take to entertain myself. But I’m trying to get better, or at least more realistic.

One sleeve extension. I can do that.
One sleeve extension. I can do that.

I have one more sleeve extension to do on my mom’s sweater, so that’s going in the car with me tonight and I’ll work on it until the light fails. With any luck, I can get that done, and leave that in Calgary with her. I am bringing the Noro tunic, as I’m on the back almost up to the shoulders, and it’s so much fun. I’m also bringing the takhli and Russian spindles, and associated fibres. And a sock. Oh, and the tapestry. And the laptop, because I have a podcast to record. And my travel spindle. And the library book on fitted knits.

Seven projects, a book, and a podcast for 48 hours away from home? I think that’s very realistic.

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